Subota, 27 Jula, 2024

Zivkovic: The Law on the Origin of Property must also examine the origin of the property of the Church of Serbia in Montenegro

Although I am not familiar with the content of the Law on the Origin of Property, which was presented to the public today, I certainly support it with very important reservations that it would have to contain in order to be fully acceptable.

By: Miodrag Zivkovic (taken from Facebook profile)

Although I am not familiar with the content of the Law on the Origin of Property, which was presented to the public today, I certainly support it with very important reservations that it would have to contain in order to be fully acceptable.

Montenegro should have passed such a law a long time ago if there was enough determination and intelligence, but better late than never. True, this law was announced as the first, most important and highest priority, and it was its turn, almost a year later. It was more important that the first law of this government be, the amended Law on Freedom of Religion.

In order for this law to have full meaning and to fully respond to the challenges of the time in which it is passed, it would have to include the INVESTIGATION OF THE ORIGIN OF THE PROPERTY OF THE CHURCH OF SERBIA in Montenegro, which, without a valid legal basis, forged the most valuable property of the state of Montenegro with forgeries and other false documents, registering itself as owner in the cadastral records.

That this law must provide the examination of the origin of church property is most convincingly shown by the fact that each individual registration of that property in the church of Serbia was done by committing a criminal offense, both the one who registered as the owner and the civil servant who made such registration.

I support the words of Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic, who called this law “the law against the mafia”, because the actions of robbing church property in this country have all the hallmarks of a joint mafia venture backed by the Serbian church and political structures of this country.

I support the words of Abazović's advisor Ivo Šoć, who explained today… “This is a model that guarantees the creation of a system that will efficiently determine illegally acquired property and confiscate illegally acquired property through court proceedings”, because it is not difficult to prove that the church of Serbia acquired all property in Montenegro illegally and against the law.

As of today, this law is going up for public discussion, so if its enactors did not foresee the possibility of re-examining the origin of the property of the Serbian Church in Montenegro, it is the last moment to do so, because it is property of inestimable importance for this country and all nations that live in it.





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