Subota, 4 Maja, 2024

Misconceptions about the church of Serbia

The price of our misconceptions about the church of Serbia is great and we will pay it for a long time, but it is terribly important to distinguish this Saint Sava clerical-chauvinist sect from a real religious community.

By: Miodrag Zivkovic (taken from Facebook profile)

I don't think it is necessary to explain that for a long time now, the Church of Serbia has been the main actor on the Montenegrin political scene and that it is not a religious organization but a parapolitical organization.

It is an organization that has retained its internal canonical organization in order to resemble a religious institution, but with the content of its activities and worldviews it affirms, it is completely turned, contrary to religious teachings, to the Greater Serbia hegemonic political goals.

With such open action, in contrast to the teachings from the Holy Scriptures and the well-known, God's commandments, the Saint Sava Serbian Church is today a political organization and a sect separated from Christianity and Orthodoxy, with the basic goal of realizing great state projects of its state of Serbia.

While the citizens of Montenegro lived in the delusion that it was the church of all Orthodox believers, as the occupying church (since 1920), it was the exclusive and most persistent guardian of the dream of a greater Serbia. For such actions it had a foothold in Art. 11 of the Law on Churches and Religious Communities of Serbia, which it defined as “A CHURCH THAT HAS AN EXCEPTIONAL HISTORICAL STATE-FORMING AND CIVILIZING ROLE IN THE FORMATION, PRESERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE IDENTITY OF THE SERBIAN PEOPLE”.

That is why we must be deeply aware of the basic misconception that the Church of Serbia is not the Church of Orthodox Christians in Montenegro, but exclusively the Church of Orthodox Serbs, which preserves the state identity of Serbia.

It will be easier for us to understand that the Church of Serbia is not a religious, but a parapolitical organization, even if we demystify some other misconceptions about it…

– If it was a religious organization, it would not have openly participated in the last elections in Montenegro, elected its government and now serves it, not only as an advisory body, but also as the main personnel department;

– It would not prove its eight-century existence here with lies and falsifications, if all the historical facts show that it came to Montenegro with the occupation in 1918;

– It would respect and appreciate the state of Montenegro in which it acts as the church of another state and would never challenge the state and national identity, culture, language, history and tradition of Montenegrins and all other peoples living in Montenegro;

– It would not appropriate and plunder the state of Montenegro, alienating its greatest cultural, historical and sacral heritage without any legal basis, discriminating against Orthodox Montenegrins for not being able to perform their religious rites in churches built by their ancestors;

– By challenging the national identity, it would not spread hatred and deepen divisions to unimaginable limits, but would build peace, tolerance and love in society.

– It would not claim for the throne of St. Peter of Cetinje that it is St. Sava`s and thus made the Cetinje monastery a fortress that is guarded by fences and police today.

The price of our misconceptions about the church of Serbia is great and we will pay it for a long time, but it is terribly important to distinguish this Saint Sava clerical-chauvinist sect from a real religious community.

Not so long ago, only three decades ago, this parapolitical sect was one of the main pillars and supporters of the Greater Serbia policy that destroyed the former Yugoslavia in blood. And then they acted as a parapolitical organization, inciting war in every way and blessing the warriors who left behind scorched earth, crimes and genocide, and later they were the main refuge for hiding the same war criminals.

The same church did not dispute and criticize Slobodan Milosevic because of the terrible consequences of the war destruction, but exclusively because of the failure of the war.

Only intoxication with the smoke of incense, today can maintain the delusion that this is a church that wishes Montenegro well. That is why it is important to understand the misconceptions about it in order for us to properly understand and experience it.





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