Ponedjeljak, 6 Maja, 2024

God-pleasing women: Violence, hypocrisy, nationalism and hatred manifested in front of the Temple

Despite the existence of high risk, thanks to the efforts and professionalism of the Police Administration, the gathering of the God-pleasing women was successfully held and completed tonight, the feminist group announced.

Despite the high risk, thanks to the efforts and professionalism of the Police Administration, the gathering of the “God-pleasing women” was successfully held and completed tonight, the feminist group said, emphasizing that violence, hypocrisy, nationalism and hatred were manifested in front of the Cathedral and that should worries all those who claim to care about the Orthodox faith.

“The gathering of women and their messages showed that the Serbian Orthodox Church is not inclusive towards Montenegrins and that Orthodoxy in Montenegro is in a serious crisis and problem. A group of men, shouting “We will not give the shrines”, were aggressive, vulgar and primitive towards women who presented facts and clear information about the moral stumbling, politicization and abuse of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro, the “God-pleasing women” state.

As they add, the way they behave towards women has proven that they behave contrary to the teachings of Christianity and the Orthodox Church.

“If the nationalists managed to hold the screening, we showed them that it was no longer what they imagined. They may have watched the movie, but they were thinking about us in front of the temple. We have shown the nationalists and propagandists and their fortifications in Montenegro that they are not inaccessible and that they are always morally victorious”, they point out.

They say that the men were told by standing that they were not, as they claim, guardians of social, church and political morals and good behavior.

“The woman will be where she wants to be. A group of men who claim to be members of the Serbian Orthodox Church caused riots after the gathering of the “God-pleasing women”. The Serbian Orthodox Church is responsible for them, although during the preparations for this gathering, it told the police that it distances itself from that group in advance and that it allegedly cannot control and prevent it from acting,” they note.

“God-pleasing women” think that is not true.

“There should be no religious groups for sowing fear in Montenegro, and the Serbian Orthodox Church should have publicly called on them to stop acting and give up the provocative film screening. Montenegrin women oppose the screening of nationalist and hate-filled films in religious buildings, but also in public spaces that belong to all citizens,” said the feminist group.





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