Subota, 27 Jula, 2024

Ima 61 godinu, a kožu nježnu i glatku kao djevojka

Jazemenah je najpoznatiji model sa sijedom kosom i tijelom dvadesetogodišnjakinje, a njena tajna je nevjerovatna

Zapanjujući model Jazemenah Rosi kojoj su se vrata te industrije otvorila tek kad je imala 45 godina, zahvaljujući svojoj bijeloj kosi i gotovo savršenoj koži, još otad vrlo je tražena, a danas malo ko može da povjeruje kako ona ima 61 godinu.

Otkrila je kako to može zahvaliti zdravom životnom stilu, a posebno maslinovom ulju koje na kožu nanosi svakodnevno, dok jednom nedjeljno od maslinova ulja pravi poseban preparat kojim se takođe maže, piše The Sun.

Rođena u Francuskoj, karijeru modela počela je s 28 godina što se za tu industriju smatra ekstremno kasnim, ali probila se tek kad je imala 45. Tvrdi da je maslinovo ulje najveća tajna njenog izgleda, a svakodnevno uživa u obrocima bogatim hranjivim supstancama.

#iphone7plus #selfportrait#scifi#sanddune#

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– Mediji nas žele uvjeriti da za savršenu kožu trebamo svakakva čuda, ali to nije istina. Odrasla sam u okruženju u kojem se maslinovo ulje koristi za kuvanje, a koristilo se i za kosu i kožu – ništa više, rekla je u razgovoru za Daily Star Online.

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Rosi se kune da je za njenu figuru zaslužna i zdrava ishrana. Svaki dan pojede jedan avokado, a smrznutu hranu iz mikrotalasne ne jede. Njena dijeta bazira se na povrću, kvalitetnoj ribi i mesu te voću i orašastim plodovima.

Praying with Standing Rock in Solstice canyon Malibu… I haven't hike in Solstice since more than a year and I discovered a lot of changes. I was quite impatient to see my friend The Turtle Stone where I am used to spend sometime on, feeling like in a privileged love relation with her. She looks like a vessel from an other planet . Perfect oval shape. The stone is not hidden and is very close to the main trail by the stream but very few people seems to notice her …often when I was on her, people passed at 2 yards from us without seing me like if I was invisible …I witnessed some interesting discussions there… What have been my surprise when I arrived close by the stream to see like if it has been a disaster there…no more water, trees felt all around and going toward my stone friend I saw that a tree lost huge branches that felt right on the bamboos that where growing right at the edge of the stone … these poor things where alive all flat under the dead wood branches and while I was clearing all this and pulling the bamboos alive underneath, bamboos that I saw when they where babies witnessing their growth for years during my daily hike when I was living just on the beach below…I was feeling how they where happy to be free from this old dead tree, and came to my mind that we are living the same thing and how it is hard to be free of the old structures to let the new one that we feel pushing to grow .How these obsolete things, rules, laws, need to let room to the new world, unknown yet in the shape it will take …and how these old structures reinsure the ones who are scared of the unknown and not connected to that source beyond any dogma, religion, politics, and how they want to keep them to don't let go the old world… My little bamboo friends are now taller than me, they witnessed my presence in prayer this morning on my friend The Turtle Stone in support for Standing Rock. I left with happiness , a great feeling of accomplishment seing these little bamboos free to point toward the light, something was light in me like like if it was me who was free, like if taking off all this dead branches away was freeing something beyond these little bamboos.

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