Nedjelja, 2 Juna, 2024

Who are the enemies of the state, if the patriots are extremists

DN sources say that the ANB these days employs staff who were educated in Serbia and who are allegedly at the will of Boško Bojović, the former head of the State Security Service in Montenegro, accused of war crimes. In that way, Serbian cadres are inserted who, by the very way of employment, cause suspicion of what they are ready for and to whom they are loyal.

Do Montenegrin citizens, activists of patriotic organizations and members of their families have to fear that they will find themselves under attack by domestic security services? What is next if the officers of the National Security Agency have already “marked” them as “dangerous elements”?

Sources of Dnevne novine say that a huge number of pro-Montenegrin citizens are listed as extremists and are under measures of secret surveillance and monitoring, and that in some cases the entire families are on the list.

“The service, which should protect its state, showed on the example of the enthronement of the Metropolitan of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Joanikije, what it is ready for when it comes to the interests of Serbia and its church. It suffocates every free and libertarian voice of reason and patriotism. The ANB and the defense and security sector have always been the mainstay of state security protection. Unfortunately, now the interests of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Serbian hegemonic policy it pursues are more important to them than the protection of the interests of their own state and its citizens. What happened in Cetinje on September 4 and 5, then before the enthronement and after that, the people of Cetinje will never forget as well as the citizens, for me this is the only homeland, just as the so-called Podgorica Assembly, Stevan Fatić and others. In this competition, Fatić, if he has a place, turned out to be a more positive character in relation to the new admirers and protectors of the Serbian world and the Greater Serbia state project”, say the interlocutors of Dnevne novine.

That the director of the ANB, Dejan Vukšić, and his team started to legitimize “suspicious” Montenegrins a long time ago is confirmed by Pobjeda's earlier writing, which announced at the end of August that the ANB chief had found a “legal basis”, so Montenegrin patriotic organizations are put under the heading “violent extremism”. In this way, that is, this formulation treats the activities of fan groups, pro-fascist organizations, skinheads and other right-wing associations whose activities may disrupt the security situation in the country. According to the media, the operatives were ordered not to collect data and submit information on the intentions and specific activities of Serbian extremist structures from the country and the region related to the ordination of Metropolitan Joanikije.

DN sources say that the ANB these days employs staff who were educated in Serbia and who are allegedly at the will of Boško Bojović, the former head of the State Security Service in Montenegro, accused of war crimes. In that way, Serbian cadres are inserted who, by the very way of employment, cause suspicion of what they are ready for and to whom they are loyal.

During the past three months, Dnevne novine wrote on several occasions that the director of the National Security Agency regularly goes for consultations with colleagues in the Belgrade neighborhood of Banjica, where the Security and Information Agency is based. Only in the period from June to the middle of August, according to the DN, he went to “report” in the BIA twice, without prior announcement to the partners from the NATO alliance. The ANB did not deny this information.





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