Velika tragedija desila se u Egiptu pošto je trener preminuo tokom prvenstvenog meča u II ligi.
Adham El-Selhedar, trener Al Magde je doživio srčani udar.
On je proslavljao gol na meču protiv Al Zarke kada je kolabirao.
Iako je brzo stigla medicinska pomoć, nijesu uspjeli da mu spasu život.
• After 90 minutes, no goal was scored. Game heading to goalless. Time was added on.
• Adham El-Selhedar’s side scored in the 92nd-minute.
• He passed out whiles celebrating the goal and that the end.
Such a terrible news. #AlMagd I #Egypt
— ✪ (@MickyJnr__) December 2, 2021