PREPARATION FOR CENSUS ADJUSTMENT Krivokapić relieved MONSTAT director of her duties
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PREPARATION FOR CENSUS ADJUSTMENT Krivokapić relieved MONSTAT director of her duties

It is clear that in this case it is a matter of preparation for the Greater Serbia national engineering, which the treacherous government will have to carry out on the orders of the clerical-fascist, nationalist and intelligence-security circles from Belgrade. This criminal action will be carried out within the list that the government of Zdravko Krivokapić plans to carry out by force, violating all European practices.
21. sept 2021 u 09:13

Yesterday, without holding a session, based on the obtained consent of the majority of members of the Government, the Government of Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapić made a decision to dismiss Dr. Gordana Radojević from the position of Director of the Statistical Office (MONSTAT).

As a formal reason for the dismissal, Portal Dan has learned, it is stated that the data from the Report on the work of the Statistical Office for 2020 indicate irregularities in the work of this administration.

However, it is clear that in this case it is a matter of preparation for the national Greater Serbia engineering, which the treacherous government will have to carry out on the orders of the clerical-fascist, nationalist and intelligence-security circles from Belgrade. This criminal action will be carried out within the list that the government of Zdravko Krivokapić plans to carry out by force, violating all European practices.

The dismissal was signed by Prime Minister Krivokapić, in accordance with Article 35 of the Law on State Administration, and in connection with Article 60, paragraph 1 of the Law on Civil Servants and State Employees.

With Radojevic's dismissal, the government is preparing to steal the census results

The President of the Montenegrin Cultural Network, Aleksandar Damjanović, believes that the dismissal of the director of MONSTAT, Gordana Radojević, is a clear indicator that the "late" Government of Montenegro is preparing to steal the census results.

"Ms. Radović's dismissal is another proof that political revanchism continues and that all those who are not part of one of the political parties that exercise excellent power are exposed to the "shot" of the anti-state government. Instead of being proud that the head of MONSTANT is a person with professional qualifications that Gordana Radojevic has, Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic is dismissing her because she is an obstacle to falsifying the census results," he said.

Damjanović believes that only a brief explanation of the dismissal is a relevant indicator "of the justification of another shameful decision of the" late "Government of Montenegro".

"After this move, it is clear to all of us that the Prime Minister "knelt" in front of the leaders of the Democratic Front and humbly carried out all their orders in order to preserve his seat. It is clear to all of us that there is no longer any doubt that the Government has started national engineering and a showdown with citizens who declare themselves as Montenegrins. "Those who think that the list will be able to reduce the number of Montenegrins through theft and various machinations are very mistaken," he said.

In the end, Damjanović told the Prime Minister and the leaders of the Democratic Front "there have never been more of us and the upcoming census will show that".

21. sept 2021 u 09:13

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